
Why We Shouldn’t Kill Snakes

Snakes are some of the most misunderstood creatures around; whose instinctually driven brains, reactions, and…

May 2018 Herp trips

     In 2017, I was invited by friends to see the reptile mecca that is…

Beneath the Palms: The Florida Cottonmouth

The Florida cottonmouth is, of course, a venomous species whose reputation far exceeds its reality.…


This is why we do what we do: educating humans to save the snakes. We've…

Coexisting with Wild Snakes

Perhaps the most common questions about snakes revolve around snakes in and around the home.…

Rattlesnakes in Wisconsin: A Historical and Conservation Perspective

Rattlesnakes in Wisconsin: A Historical and Conservation Perspective By Eric Roscoe, Education and Events Coordinator…